It remains in the body until the life leaves the body. What does the living body tells us now after all these years?

2022年5月に新宿にて初演をした作品の再演になります。HIV/エイズをテーマに、 多様な時間軸が交錯し、沢山の思いを巡らせ、今ここにある生身の身体で語る、 コンテンポラリーパフォーマンス。 身体をメディアとした即興的な偶発性、マテリアルや映像など視覚的な美しさも重視し、 コンセプチュアルな独自の抽象表現を試みます。社会を再考する想像力と新しい知覚を生み出すきっかけとなることを期待します。
It was premiered in Shinjuku in May 2022. Various timelines are crossed each other, many thoughts are circulated with the theme of HIV/AIDS. The body which lives here and now, tells a story using contemporary dance format. Emphasis is on accidents caused by improvisation which use the body as a medium, also materials and projected images to show the beauty visually. It attempts to express something unique, conceptual and abstract. We hope that it will be an opportunity to rethink society and create new perceptions.

全席自由 各回22席限定 2500円
演出・構成・振付・出演 榮一也
音楽 マークホロックス
映像編集 しずか
スタッフ 小枝子
リード文・内容文 翻訳 天野かおる
Direction・Composition・Choreography Appearance : Kazuya Sakae
Music : Mark Horrocks
Video Editing : Shizuka
Staff : Saeko
Translation : Kaoru Amano
学生時にはフィギュアスケート選手として活動。引退後、ジャズ、ストリート、バレエ、コンテンポラリー等様々なダンスを学ぶ。インターナショナルダンス学院ストリートダンス科卒業後、東京を拠点にパフォーマンスの出演やインストラクターとして多方面で活動中。近年では身体を基本のメディアとし、即興的な偶発性、マテリアル や映像など様々な手法を使用、視覚的な美しさも重視し、コンセプチュアルな独自の抽象表現を探求中。
He established himself as a figure skater when he was a student. After he had retired, he started training various dance. Such as jazz, street, ballet and contemporary. After graduating from The International Dance Academy, He is active in various fields as a performer and an instructor in Tokyo. In recent years, using his body as a main medium, he uses various methods such as improvisation, materials and moving images with emphasis on visual beauty. He explores the ways to express something unique, conceptual and abstract.
Mark Horrocks
Mark Horrocks has been composing electronic music for dance and performance artists for over 30 years.He has performed his work at international dance festivals and electroacoustic music events both in Europe and America. He studied Sonic Art at the University of Middlesex, London; and graduated with a PhD in Electroacoustic Soundscape Composition in 2005.
Soundcloud: Mark Horrocks
Bandcamp: Mark Horrocks